Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases
Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases
The association is named "Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases" [Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases], hereinafter referred to as the Association.

Increase the awareness of patients, caregivers and family members of rare diseases in Hong Kong about diseases, and promote the spirit of mutual help and self-help among patients, and actively live a prosperous life. Promote the public awareness and education of rare diseases in Hong Kong, and increase the public's attention, understanding and support to patients with rare diseases, their families and self-help organizations. Through policy advocacy work, the needs and opinions of Hong Kong patients and their families are reflected, and the government and related organizations are urged to formulate rare disease support policies, so as to seek appropriate system protection for patients in terms of medical care, rehabilitation, education, welfare, and social participation. Support and assist in academic research related to rare diseases. Unite Hong Kong patients with rare diseases, their families, self-help organizations, medical and scientific researchers, media and other stakeholders to strengthen exchanges and cooperation. Promote communication, consultation and cooperation with rare disease organizations in Hong Kong and around the world.

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